Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Bath time

Sesame Street Live

Emery enjoying snow cone.
Enjoying snow cone with Grammy
Sitting in her seat with her new Zoe doll.
Not successful in getting her to smile with Elmo. Instead she is pointing out the ball that she wants.

Sweet Girl

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Yay! The weather is finally nice enough to play outside!

The Gang's all here!

This is how Emery insists on sleeping every night. She must have Monkey, Elmo, Dora, Brobee, Foofa, and Carrie (cabbage patch baby), and of course neekie (blankie).

Meemaw and Pee-Paw's Bithday Party

Kiddos with the guests of honor....
It was a day for "cooking"
Admiring her work in the kitchen
"cooking" with a big bowl of ice! yummy!


Emery loves the Omniplex! I just wish I could get her to stop trying to drink the water at their water table!